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A fondo: Tus programas favoritos de TVE, en RTVE Play
Imagen extraída del programa «A fondo» -programa de entrevistas realizadas por Joaquín Soler Serrano a grandes personajes del mundo del arte, la literatura, la ciencia que se emitió entre 1976 y 1981-. En este programa, Joaquín Soler entrevista a Salvador Dalí.



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2.en.06 People on the move: Talking about Migrations


Hi everyone! We’ve been travelling together since the beginning of the school year, haven’t we?  However, here we are  again, on the move, forced to pack. This time for a different reason, not just for pleasure. Unfortunately, current news are an endless source of information about people who are forced to leave their countries and settle elsewhere. News about people trying to reach Europe keep on hitting the headlines.

Why do people migrate?

What are the push and pull forces that make people move?

How do they feel about leaving their belongings behind?

What do they take with them?

We shall start this new unit with an old suitcase full of  memories from distant lands. What do all these stories have in common? Well, you’ll  need to find out.  They were compiled by the New York Times a couple of years ago. We hope you’ll find them inspiring.

Homework: Read one of the 12 stories and take notes in your notebook. Try to remember as much as you can to share with your classmates.

The check list below so you’ll know what to focus on in order to remember from what you read. They will also help you comment the stories with your classmates.

  1. How long have they been in the USA?
  2. Why did they leave their country?
  3. How old are they?
  4. What is their job?
  5. What did they do in their country of origin?
  6. Do they regret moving to the States?
  7. Do they give any details on their background and family life before they emigrated?
  8. What are their plans for the future?
  9. What is the object they have chosen to keep? 
  10. Why is it valuable for them?
  11. Use the interactive map to check the number of people who emigrate to the USA. Compare with other destinations

It’ll be interesting to know the country of origin and the conuntry of destination of all these migrants. You can use the Global Migration Map or the Global Migration Stock map to find out. Just click on the images below. 

Now, you’ll have to do a bit of research about migrations. Choose three different countries and look for the number of immigrants they receive and where these come from. Also, choose other 3 countries and find out where do their national emigrate to and in what numbers.  You should add extra information about the country of origin and the reasons for leaving their country.


What things make people move from their country of origin?

Have a look at this video to learn about some issues related to international migration movements:https://www.youtube.com/embed/lOZmqIwqur4?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent

In the video they have commented on the importance of the amount of money immigrants send to their countries of origin.

This is called remittance money. We are going to explore what quantities are sent from country to country in an interactive map. Just click on the map below:

Now we are going to explore the site of the Grout Museum of History & Science, so we are going to learn about immigration in Grout, Iowa (US). Click on the photo below to start:

immigrants in us

When today we listen to stories of people escaping from their countries massively, some countries have decided to build walls at their borders in order to stop these poeple from getting in.

However, these kind walls are not something of the present. Do you know of any old walls that separated countries?

Great Wall China
Berlin wall

Have you heard about Mr. Trump and his plans of building a wall at the border with Mexico? For centuries walls have been built to try stop people from moving across borders.

Have a look at the three articles below:

  • Choose one of the walls and find out:
  1. The two countries it separates
  2.  Its length
  3. The time it was built
  4. Its efficiency

Daily Mail

The Economist

Washington Post

I am a migrant

Today we are going to explore the lives of different migrants:


You must visit the website “i am a migrant”, where you will find hundreds of stories of migrants. Read two of the stories of people from the same countries you researched before.

Click on the image below:

In your notebook note down as much as possible of the following:

  • Name and age (if possible)
  • Country of origin and current country
  • How the person travelled (alone, with family)
  • How long they have lived in the new country
  • Job or occupation in the new country
  • Reasons for emigrating (push and pull factors)
  • What is their life like in the new country
  • Impressions of the new country

Now, be ready to share this information with your classmates.

Watch the video below and learn Nuha and Mohammed’s story about relocation to Spain:

History of Immigration in the US

Now we are going to explore the site of the Grout Museum of History & Science, so we are going to learn about immigration in Grout, Iowa (US). Click on the photo below to start:

immigrants in us